40ha, equivalent to the size of Moor Park in Preston, integrating new and existing woodland including sustainable drainage ponds and integrated footway & cycle routes
Seven high quality sports pitches
Park & Ride facility with 500 parking spaces, bus station and cycle parking
C31,000sqm, equivalent to around 165 tennis courts of commercial floor space
Primary access would be from the A59 with secondary access form Vicarage Lane
Parcel A (South)
Parcel A (South)
Mainly residential development creating a sense of openness through green infrastructure such as green corridors, pocket parks and public squares
Includes the ‘Village heart’ with a range of community services such as convenience retail & food and drinks outlets
420 pupil, two-form entry primary school with playing field and sports pitch
Access would be from Cuerdale and Vicarage Lane
Parcel B
Parcel B
Around c50,000 sqm of new commercial workspace, approximately half the size of Brookfield Park in Preston
Open amenity space provided between the woodland and the development to provide a healthy and attractive working environment
Accessed from two points on Cuerdale Lane
Parcel C
Parcel C
Up to c82,000 sqm of commercial workspace, approximately half the size of Grange Park in Preston
Landscape strategy will retain the woodland, ancient woodland, habitat and Great Crested Newt Pond and mature trees on the site
Edge of Huntly Brook will be used for ecological mitigation and surface water attenuation
A59 and A677 junction envisioned as site for a landmark office or research building to respond to the demand that could come from its proximity to BAE Systems and the Enterprise Zone or the emerging NCF campus
Accessed by a signal controlled junction on the A59 with a secondary access onto the A677 Preston New Road
Parcel D
Parcel D
Primarily residential development
The landscaping strategy will retain, protect and enhance as many of the site’s landscape and ecological assets as possible
The landscape-led approach has been taken to ensure that the development integrates with the woodland setting and rural character