Our vision


Use the buttons below to open up more information about each parcel:  

Parcel A (North)

Parcel A (North)

  • 40ha, equivalent to the size of Moor Park in Preston, integrating new and existing woodland 
    including sustainable drainage ponds and integrated footway & cycle routes
  • Seven high quality sports pitches
  • Park & Ride facility with 500 parking spaces, bus station and cycle parking
  • C31,000sqm, equivalent to around 165 tennis courts of commercial floor space
  • Primary access would be from the A59 with secondary access form Vicarage Lane
Parcel A (South)

Parcel A (South)

  • Mainly residential development creating a sense of openness through green infrastructure
    such as green corridors, pocket parks and public squares
  • Includes the ‘Village heart’ with a range of community services such as
    convenience retail & food and drinks outlets
  • 420 pupil, two-form entry primary school with playing field and sports pitch
  • Access would be from Cuerdale and Vicarage Lane


Parcel B

Parcel B

  • Around c50,000 sqm of new commercial workspace, approximately half the size of Brookfield Park in Preston
  • Open amenity space provided between the woodland and the development
    to provide a healthy and attractive working environment
  • Accessed from two points on Cuerdale Lane
Parcel C

Parcel C

  • Up to c82,000 sqm of commercial workspace, approximately half the size of Grange Park in Preston 
  • Landscape strategy will retain the woodland, ancient woodland,
    habitat and Great Crested Newt Pond and mature trees on the site
  • Edge of Huntly Brook will be used for ecological mitigation and surface water attenuation
  • A59 and A677 junction envisioned as site for a landmark office or research
    building to respond to the demand that could come from its proximity to
    BAE Systems and the Enterprise Zone or the emerging NCF campus
  • Accessed by a signal controlled junction on the A59
    with a secondary access onto the A677 Preston New Road


Parcel D

Parcel D

  • Primarily residential development
  • The landscaping strategy will retain, protect and enhance as many
    of the site’s landscape and ecological assets as possible
  • The landscape-led approach has been taken to ensure that the development
    integrates with the woodland setting and rural character

Cuerdale Garden Village will create a sustainable and attractive neighbourhood, that delivers high quality and much-needed new homes, alongside flourishing woodlands, landscaped parks, and green open space. 

State-of-the-art employment space will create thousands of local jobs, whilst local residents would enjoy access to brand new community services, including new schools and public transport infrastructure. 

Click on the links below to find out more about what our plans will deliver: 

You can also find view our planning documents in the link below:

Our plans include:

Much-needed homes

A mix of much needed and affordable homes, for new and existing residents, as well as new community and amenity space. 

Cuerdale Garden Village will deliver a variety of new homes to meet the needs of both local people and those moving to the area in response to the Samlesbury Enterprise Zone and the new National Cyber Force Campus. 

There is increasing evidence of a lack of affordable housing in Central Lancashire, meaning there isn’t enough affordable homes to meet the demand. For example, across Central Lancashire there is a need for 590 affordable dwellings per year, this equals 61% of the overall housing need.

Story Homes is committed to helping to meeting this need, as such, 35% of the new homes at Cuerdale Garden Village will be affordable. 

Each new home will be built with the same quality that Story Homes customers have come to expect. Each home will be of a high specification, energy-efficient, adaptable to meet the needs of all and offer reduced operational running costs. 

You can find more information in the planning statement available here.

New jobs and economic growth

Delivering new jobs and boosting the local economy, in an area already earmarked for growth. 

Cuerdale Garden Village will create thousands of jobs and deliver a multi-million pound show of confidence in the South Ribble economy. The scheme, totalling 164,000sqm, equivalent to around 840 tennis courts, of modern and flexible employment space, will secure long-term investment to the local area and combine with the nearby enterprise zone to boost the region’s reputation for growth. 

The site takes advantage of its unique location on the national motorway network, close to centres of population and in an area of existing and increasing economic importance through investment in the Samlesbury Enterprise Zone and the delivery of the NCF campus. You can find more information in the socio-economic impact statement available here.

Key economic benefits include: 

Nature and wildlife

Cuerdale Garden Village will be set within a scenic and beautiful neighbourhood, incorporating landscaped streets, flourishing woodlands, and green open spaces for play, relaxation and well-being.  

Existing woodland such as Walmsley Fold Wood and Huntley Wood will be enhanced and protected, whilst the development will include over 64ha of green open space, the equivalent of around 119 football fields 

Throughout the neighbourhood, landscaped parks and habitat corridors will create a rural setting focused on the environment that will contribute to a biodiversity net-gain. This means that the landscaping and planting will encourage more wildlife than the site currently sees and experiences.

Residents and visitors to the Garden Village would have access to a network of footpaths that criss-cross the neighbourhood, enabling users to take in the scenic spaces and connect with areas rich natural environment. 

You can find out more about our plans to retain, protect and enhance the nature and wildlife offer here

Cuerdale Garden Village will deliver a highly sustainable development which incorporates cutting-edge design principles and green features.  

A key benefit of delivering homes alongside community amenities and employment space, is the opportunity to develop an integrated neighbourhood that encourages walking and cycling. A network of footpaths and cycle paths will connect residents with key services and amenities, helping to improve accessibility and discouraging car usage.  

These features will be supported by public transport connectivity for journeys between the Garden Village and existing towns and cities, including a new a Park and Ride facility. You can find more information in the sustainability and energy strategy available here.

Key features include: 

Our homes can help residents save money on energy bills because they are designed to improve energy efficiency. You can watch the video below or click here to find out more. 

Community amenities and school

Cuerdale Garden Village will create a neighbourhood that fosters a sense of community and creates spaces for people to come together.  

The Garden Village will provide all essential services and amenities within one easy to reach location. Residents can work, shop, play, socialise, and send their kids to school, all within the same village they live.

You can find out more about the community amenities here.

A 420-capacity primary school with high-quality sport facilities

Top of the range sports facilities and pitches for wider community use

A local centre to act as a focal point for the new community

Transport and Access

Movement and transport have been a key consideration in the development of Cuerdale Garden Village. Combining accessibility with sustainability, to ensure that residents and visitors can access the development with ease.  

Movement within Cuerdale Garden Village  

An extensive network of footpaths and cycles routes will inter-connect the site, promoting active travel and encouraging a sustainable and healthy community. 

Furthermore, the site has been future-proofed with electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure to ensure that residents who do rely on private vehicles can use a more sustainable option to help combat climate change. 

Travelling to/from Cuerdale Garden Village 

Our obligation to sustainability and accessibility doesn’t end at the border of the Garden Village. To help residents choose cleaner and green transport options, the development will include a park and ride facility with 500 parking spaces and cycle parking to serve Preston city centre. 

Sitting adjacent to the A59 and in close proximity to the M6, the neighbourhood can be easily reached. 

You can find more information about our transport and access plans here.

Contact us – 0333 358 0502 (Monday – Friday, 9:00am to 5:30pm)

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